Tag Archive for: General Rehab

Keaton Baker

Keaton Baker left Iowa to work on trail maintenance in Yosemite National Park. “On the weekends, though you’re still in the wild, you can do pretty much whatever you find pleasing.” On one of those weekends, Keaton was having some fun rock hopping. When he stepped out of the river and onto the shore, a rattlesnake was sitting in the shade, likely asleep. Disturbed by Keaton’s sudden appearance, the rattlesnake bit Keaton on the foot.

Amber Humphreys

Just after New Year’s, Amber began to fall ill. She was experiencing cold-like symptoms and a fast-approaching loss of breath. With her lips a shade of blue and blood in her cough, Amber’s family feared for her life and pleaded with her to go to the hospital. It took several days and tons of encouragement, but Amber finally agreed to go. Once there, she was quickly admitted and intubated in the blink of an eye.